How do I use Playlists?

In this article:

Playlists are great for organizing your lessons, songs, and assignments! With this exciting addition, you can now create, sort, share, and even loop your favorite content, all in one convenient place. To help you make the most of this awesome feature, we've prepared some frequently asked questions and answers below.

How many items can we save into the playlist?

  • Our new playlist feature allows you to curate up to 300 items per playlist. That's plenty of space to gather all your favorite lessons, songs, and assignments in one convenient location.

In what ways can I organize and sort my playlists? 

  • You can organize and sort your playlists in various ways to suit your preferences.

  1. Sort Options
  • Arrange your playlist by the newest additions, so you always have the latest content at the top.
  • Alphabetize your playlist for easy navigation and finding specific songs or lessons.
  • Sort your playlist based on the most recent activity, keeping track of the latest interactions.

  1. Manual Reordering
  • Want to customize the order of your songs? No problem! Simply click on the menu icon and select the "Re-Order" option. This allows you to move songs around within the playlist, creating your desired sequence.

With these sorting and organizing options, you can curate your playlists to your liking, ensuring a personalized and seamless learning experience.

Can I share my playlist with other members?

  • Absolutely! Simply copy and share the URL of your playlist with other Musora students. By sharing your playlist, you're not only spreading the joy of music but also fostering a sense of community and collaboration among Musora students.

Can I see who I have shared my playlists with? Can I unshare it?

  • Sharing a playlist is done by sharing the playlist's URL with others. This does mean that you can't see who it is shared with. You can unshare the playlist by changing its privacy setting from "public" to "private."

Can I see who created a playlist?

  • For example, Joy created an R&B playlist and shares it with Kates. Kates likes it and shares it with Jorge. Will Jorge be able to see that Joy was the original creator of the R&B playlist? Yes!

Can I delete a playlist?

  • Deleting a playlist is as easy as pressing the delete button. Simply go to the playlist you want to delete, click on the options menu, and select the "Delete" option. Just make sure you're certain about parting ways because once deleted, it's gone for good.

Can another member update my playlist with recommendations?

  • Your playlist is your personal jam session, and only you have the power to update and modify it.

Will I be notified if content is updated in my playlist (e.g. a video is removed due to copyright issues, or if timestamps in a video are updated)?

  • We currently do not have a notification system in place for content changes within playlists. If a video in your playlist is removed due to copyright issues or if there are updates to the timestamps, it will still hang out in your playlist. When you give it a tap, you'll be greeted with a 404 message, indicating that the video is no longer available. We know it's not the coolest move, but we're working on enhancing the playlist experience to keep you grooving without any surprises.

Can I create playlists by content type? Genre?

  • Absolutely! Create playlists based on content type or even genre.

Can I search for content in my playlists?

  • Yes! Simply enter keywords related to the content you're looking for, and our search functionality will do the heavy lifting for you. It's a convenient way to quickly locate specific lessons, songs, or any other content within your playlists.

Can I see the date when something was added to my playlist?

  • The current playlist feature does not display the date when an item was added to your playlist. However, we appreciate your feedback and will take it into consideration for future improvements to enhance your playlist experience. If this is something you'd like to see, reach out to our support team and let us know!

Are these playlists just for songs or can I create playlists for lessons?

  • Absolutely! You can create playlists for both lessons and songs. In fact, you can add various content types, including assignments, to your playlists. Feel free to organize and customize your playlists to suit your learning preferences.

Please Note: While it's not possible to directly add the entire Method curriculum to a playlist, the Method curriculum is already structured as a comprehensive list of lessons. So, there's no need to add it separately to your playlist. However, if you wish to include specific lessons from the Method curriculum, you can add them individually to your playlist.

Is there an additional fee to use the Playlists feature?

  • No! Playlists are an essential part of your musical journey, so we've made them available to all Musora students at no extra cost.

How do I save a snippet of a video into my playlist? Can I name the snippet something else aside from the video’s title?

  • Absolutely! Adding a snippet of a video to your playlist is as easy as dancing to your favorite beat. Once the video is in your playlist, you can fine-tune it by setting a specific start and end time. This way, you can focus on the juiciest parts that resonate with you the most.
  • While you can't change the video's title within the playlist, it will appear with its original name. Don't worry though, you'll still be able to recognize it and jam along with the music.

Can I add my own thumbnails, tags, & descriptions to my playlists?

  • Absolutely! You have the flexibility to add your personal touch by selecting custom thumbnails that represent the vibe of your playlist. You can showcase your playlist's personality by giving it a catchy name that reflects its content and style.
  • While we don't currently have a tagging feature for playlists, we're always looking for ways to enhance the Musora experience.

Can students add PDFs/MP3s to playlists? 

  • While we don't have the capability to directly add PDFs or MP3s to playlists, there's a workaround that allows you to include these valuable resources in your playlists. Simply add the lessons that contain the PDFs or MP3s to your playlist, and you'll have easy access to all the content you need.
  • By adding the lessons, you'll have a seamless experience navigating through the curriculum, with the PDFs and MP3s readily available within the lessons. It's a convenient way to keep all your learning materials organized in one place!

Can we create “cross-brand” playlists? (e.g. Add Drumeo content to a playlist that was created in the Pianote section of Musora)

  • While the cross-brand playlist feature may not be available now, we're always working to enhance and expand our platform.
  • Each brand's content is separate, and playlists are limited to the specific brand where they are created. You can still enjoy creating playlists within each individual brand. Whether you're exploring drumming on Drumeo or diving into piano lessons on Pianote, you can create playlists that are tailored to your specific interests and goals within each brand.

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