Drumeo Monthly Collabs

In this article:

Our Monthly Collabs are for drummers of every level (yes that means YOU!)! Collabs are a great way to practice a new song every month, strut your stuff, get creative, and most importantly participate and have fun!

I'm a beginner, this is too hard for me. What can I do?

We want everyone to participate. To make it easier, check out the official collab announcements each month to see how you can simplify and play at a level that is right for you!

Reach out to our Mentors team for some tips and tricks to help you kick-start your submission! mentors@musora.com

Do I have to play the whole song?

No, you don't! You can play as much or as little as you like and submit!

When is the submission deadline?

The 25th of the month, by Midnight in your time zone.

Check out Kyle's "How to Create Your Video" on the Drumeo Student Collaborations Show page

Where do I Submit my Video?

  • Go to the Drumeo Student Collaborations Show page
  • Click the Submit a Video button

  • Fill in the details and drop in your YouTube link

  • All done! Your video is traveling to our awesome collab editor team!

Can I use my collab submission for a Student Focus review

Absolutely! Just make sure we can see your posture, hand placement, and feet clearly. This will allow us to give you the best possible feedback!

When are new collabs announced?

Each month a new monthly collab opportunity is posted between the 1st - 4th of the month.

When do collab videos get posted?

Each month the edited version of the student submissions is posted between the 2nd - 5th of the month.

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